Lightly Season Trip-Tip Roast with Camp Mix Seasoning. Allow to rest at room temperature for about 30 minutes.
While the Tri-Tip comes to room temperature, place a handful of Mesquite chips in water for the same 30 minutes. Prepare a charcoal grill for In-Direct grilling then light All Natural Lump Charcoal. Once flames have burned off to just hot coals, throw on the mesquite chips and place the tri-tip over direct heat with fat side up and sear for about 10 minutes. Flip and sear the other side for another 10 minutes. Move the tri-tip over to the indirect heat area, cover and roast until internal meat temperature reaches 130 degrees-about 20-30 minutes. Transfer meat to cutting board and allow to rest for at least 15 minutes before slicing across the grain. Enjoy with Chimichurri Sauce!